  © Frank Ziemann  –  Update: 02.09.2009

Nigeria Connection

Original E-Mails

Send reply to:  	
From:           	"Peter Chimba" 
Subject:        	Urgent Assistance
Date sent:      	Sun, 4 May 2003 12:40:42 +0200

Tel: 31-630-349-728
Email: peterchimba@ecplaza.net

                                                 BUSINESS PROPOSAL

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me
personally. The purpose of my introduction is that I am Peter Chimba, the
first son of Emmanuel Chimba , one of the most popular black farmers in
Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got
your contact through network online hence decided to write you. Before the
death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of
US8.5 million (Eight million, Five Hundred thousand United States dollars),
in one of the private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in
Zimbabwe this money was deposited in a box as family valuables to avoid much
demurrage from security company. This amount was meant for the purchase of
new machines and chemicals for the Farms and establishment of new
farms in Swaziland.

This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced
a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some few
black farmers, and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean
war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact a lot of people were
killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father was one of the
victims.It is against this background that, my family and I fled Zimbabwe for
fear of our lives and are currently staying in the Netherlands where we are
seeking political asylum and more so have decided to transfer my father's
money to a more reliable foreign account. Since the law of Netherlands
prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be
involved in any financial transaction throughout the territorial zone of
Netherlands, as the eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the
responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this money could
be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking
everything we have got. The South African government seems to be playing
along with them.

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South
Africa for fear of going through the same experience in future, both
countries have similar political history. As a businessman, I am seeking for
a partner who I have to entrust my future and that of my
family in his hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free.
If you accept to assist me and my family all I want you to do for me, is to
make an arrangements with the security company to clear the consignment
(funds) from their affiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have
already given directives for the consignment to be brought to the Netherlands
from South Africa. But before then all modalities will have to be put in place
like change of ownership to the consignment and more importantly this money
I intend to use for investment.

I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain
percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or
you can go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of
the money in your country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to
notify me. I have also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses
incurred in the process of this transaction. If you do not prefer a
partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the remaining
85% will be for my investment in your country. Contact me with the above
E-mail address  while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy
required in this transaction.

Thanks, God bless you.

Yours Faithfully,

Peter Chimba


Von: "Thomas Kogbabe" 
Betreff: Urgent Assistance
Datum: Dienstag, 29. April 2003 20:17

                                                  Mr. Thomas Kobgabe
                                                  Tel:+31-630 352 780
                                                  Email: kogbabe@mail.com

Sicher sind Sie verwundert, diese Nachricht von jemandem zu erhalten, den sie
nicht persönlich kennen. Der Grund weshalb ich mich an Sie wende ist das ich
Thomas Kogbabe bin, der erstgeborene Sohn von David Kogbabe, einem der
bekanntesten schwarzen Farmer in Zimbabwe. Er wurde vor kurzem im Laufe des
Landstreites in meinem Land ermordet. Ich erhielt Ihre Adresse durch das
Internet und habe mich entschieden mich an Sie zu wenden. Bevor mein Vater
starb, nahm er mich mit nach Johannesburg um dort einen Betrag von 8,5
Millionen US$ (acht Millionen, fünfhunderttausend US Dollar) bei einer privaten
Sicherheitsfirma zu deponieren. Er hat die drohende Gefahr geahnt und daher
diesen Betrag in einer Kassette dort hinterlegt, die er als normales Wert
gut deklarierte um keinen Verdacht zu erwecken und außerdem die Kosten für die
Hinterlegung gering zu halten. Niemand weiß also von dem Bargeld in dieser
Kassette. Ursprünglich war dieser Betrag für neue Maschinen und Chemikalien
für seine Farm gedacht, außerdem wollte er neues Farmland in Swaziland
erwerben und erschließen.
Das Landproblem entstand als der Präsident von Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert Mugabe,
seine neue Landreform durchsetzte bei der nur die reichen weißen Farmer und
einige wenige schwarze Farmer Vorteile verschafft wurden, für alle anderen
war die Existenz nun bedroht. Daraus resultierten dann schließlich die Unruhen
die sich ausbreiteten und denen viele Menschen zum Opfer fielen und ihr Leben
lassen mussten. Leider ist mein Vater ebenfalls eines dieser Opfer das sein
Leben verlor. Vor diesem Hintergrund bin ich mit der Familie unter
lebensgefährlichen Umständen aus Zimbabwe nach Holland geflohen, hier haben
wir politisches Asyl beantragt. Das in Südafrika zurückgelassene Geld wollen
wir nun der Sicherheit wegen auf ein Konto hier übertragen. Das Gesetz in
Holland verbietet es aber Menschen die politisches Asyl beantragt haben
während dieses Verfahrens ein Konto zu eröffnen oder irgendwelche Transfers
die über die holländische Grenze hinausgehen abzuwickeln. Als der erstgeborene
Sohn bin ich nun für meine ganze Familie verantwortlich und habe die Rolle
meines Vaters als Bewacher und Beschützer übernommen. Nun stehe ich vor dem
Problem dieses Geld ohne Wissen der afrikanischen Regierung hierher zu
transferieren, ansonsten würde man uns den gesamten Betrag enteignen, dieses
Geld ist aber alles das uns noch geblieben ist. Die Südafrikanische Regierung
unterstützt wohl die Regierung Zimbabwes, so dass auch dort nichts von meinem
Vorhaben bekannt werden darf. Die Zukunftspläne beider Länder sind wohl genauso
ähnlich wie es deren politische Vergangenheit ist.Als Geschäftsmann suche ich
nun nach einem Partner dem ich voll und ganz vertrauen kann, dem ich meine und
auch die Zukunft meiner ganzen Familie anvertrauen kann.
Ich möchte Sie wissen lassen, dass mein Plan völlig ohne Risiko ist, falls Sie
mir und meiner Familie helfen wollen. Alles worum ich Sie bitte, ist eine
Vereinbarung mit der holländischen Niederlassung der Sicherheitsfirma zu
treffen, das hinterlegte Wertgut auszuhändigen. Ich meinerseits habe bereits
Anweisung gegeben die Kassette von Südafrika nach Holland zu senden. Vorher
allerdings müssen noch einige wichtige Formalitäten erledigt werden, wie die
Änderung des Begünstigten an diesem Wertgut. Weiterhin habe ich vor diese
Geld nach Erhalt möglichst gut und gewinnbringend zu investieren. Ich möchte
Ihnen zwei Vorschläge unterbreiten.Erstens biete ich Ihnen einen Teil der
Gesamtsumme an, wenn Sie bereit wären, Ihr eigenes Konto für diese Transaktion
zur Verfügung zu stellen.Oder aber Sie sind an einer Partnerschaft mit mir
interessiert um diese Summe profitabel in Ihrem Land zu investieren.Egal
welcher Vorschlag Ihnen mehr zusagt, zögern Sie nicht mir Ihre Entscheidung
mitzuteilen. Für alle entstehenden Unkosten habe ich 5% des Gesamtbetrages
ingeplant. Sollten Sie nicht an einer Partnerschaft mit mir interessiert sein,
biete ich Ihnen  10% des Betrages an und werde die verbleibenden 85% für meine
Investitionen in Ihrem Land nutzen.Sie können mich jederzeit unter dieser
e-Mail Adresse erreichen: (kogbabe@mail.com) Ich bitte Sie jedoch um Ihre
absolute Verschwiegenheit in dieser Angelegenheit Dritten gegenüber.
Gott schütze Sie
Ihr ergebener
Mr. Thomas Kogbabe.

                                          CONFIDENTIAL   BUSINESS PROPOSAL
  You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know
me personally.The purpose of my introduction is that I am Thomas Kogbabe the
son of David Kogbabe  a farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the
land dispute in my country.I got your contact through network online hence
decided to write you.Before the death of my father,he had taken me to
Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US8.5 million (Eight million Five Hundred
thousand United States dollars),in one of the private security company, as he
foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this money was deposited in a box as
gem stones to avoid much demurrage from security company.This amount was meant
for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and establishment
of new farms in Swaziland.

This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced
a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some few
black farmers,and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean
war veterans and some lunatics in the society.In fact a lot of people were
killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father was one of the
victims. It is against this background that,I and my family fled Zimbabwe for
fear of our lives and are currently staying in the Netherlands where we are
seeking political asylum and moreso have decided to transfer my father's money
to a more reliable foreign account.since the law of Netherlands prohibits a
refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any
financial transaction throughout the territorial zone of Netherlands. As the
eldest son of my father,I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a
genuine foreign account where this money could be transferred without the
knowledge of my government who are bent on taking everything we have got.
The South African government seems to be playing along with them.
I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa
for fear of going through the same experience in future,both countries have
similar political history.As a businessman, I am seeking for a partner who I
have to entrust my  future and that of my family in his hands,I must let you
know that this transaction is risk free.If you accept to assist me and my
family all I want you to do for me,is to make an arrangements with the
security company to clear the consignment(funds) from their afiliate office
here in the Netherlands as i have already given directives for the consignment
to be brought to the Netherlands from South Africa.But before then all
modalities will have to be put in place like change of ownership to the
consignment and more importantly this money I intend to use for investment.
I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain percentage
of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can go
into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money
in your country.Whichever the option you want,feel free to notify me.I have
also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred in the
process of this transaction.If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing
to give you 10% of the money while the remaining 85% will be for my investment
in your country.Contact me with the above e-mail address while I implore you
to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this transaction.


Yours Faithfully,
Thomas Kogbabe


Absender:   "Simon Muzenda"
Betreff:    Urgent Assistance
Datum:      29.04.2003, 23:02:31




Sicher sind Sie verwundert, diese Nachricht von jemandem zu erhalten,
den sie nicht persönlich kennen. Der Grund weshalb ich mich an Sie wende
ist das ich Simon Muzenda bin, der erstgeborene Sohn von Paul Muzenda,
einem der bekanntesten schwarzen Farmer in Zimbabwe. Er wurde vor kurzem
im Laufe des Landstreites in meinem Land ermordet. Ich erhielt Ihre
Adresse durch das Internet und habe mich entschieden mich an Sie zu
wenden. Bevor mein Vater starb, nahm er mich mit nach Johannesburg um
dort einen Betrag von 8,5 Millionen US$ (acht Millionen,
fünfhunderttausend US Dollar) bei einer privaten Sicherheitsfirma zu
deponieren. Er hat die drohende Gefahr geahnt und daher diesen Betrag in
einer Kassette dort hinterlegt, die er als normales Wertgut deklarierte
um keinen Verdacht zu erwecken und außerdem die Kosten für die
Hinterlegung gering zu halten. Niemand weiß also von dem Bargeld in
dieser Kassette. Ursprünglich war dieser Betrag für neue Maschinen und
Chemikalien für seine Farm gedacht, außerdem wollte er neues Farmland in
Swaziland erwerben und erschließen.

Das Landproblem entstand als der Präsident von Zimbabwe, Mr. Robert
Mugabe, seine neue Landreform durchsetzte bei der nur die reichen weißen
Farmer und einige wenige schwarze Farmer Vorteile verschafft wurden, für
alle anderen war die Existenz nun bedroht. Daraus resultierten dann
schließlich die Unruhen die sich ausbreiteten und denen viele Menschen
zum Opfer fielen und ihr Leben lassen mussten. Leider ist mein Vater
ebenfalls eines dieser Opfer das sein Leben verlor. Vor diesem
Hintergrund bin ich mit der Familie unter lebensgefährlichen Umständen
aus Zimbabwe nach Holland geflohen, hier haben wir politisches Asyl
beantragt. Das in Südafrika zurückgelassene Geld wollen wir nun der
Sicherheit wegen auf ein Konto hier übertragen. Das Gesetz in Holland
verbietet es aber Menschen die politisches Asyl beantragt haben während
dieses Verfahrens ein Konto zu eröffnen oder irgendwelche Transfers die
über die holländische Grenze hinausgehen abzuwickeln. Als der
erstgeborene Sohn bin ich nun für meine ganze Familie verantwortlich und
habe die Rolle meines Vaters als Bewacher und Beschützer übernommen. Nun
stehe ich vor dem Problem dieses Geld ohne Wissen der afrikanischen
Regierung hierher zu transferieren, ansonsten würde man uns den gesamten
Betrag enteignen, dieses Geld ist aber alles das uns noch geblieben ist.
Die Südafrikanische Regierung unterstützt wohl die Regierung Zimbabwes,
so dass auch dort nichts von meinem Vorhaben bekannt werden darf. Die
Zukunftspläne beider Länder sind wohl genauso ähnlich wie es deren
politische Vergangenheit ist.Als Geschäftsmann suche ich nun nach einem
Partner dem ich voll und ganz vertrauen kann, dem ich meine und auch die
Zukunft meiner ganzen Familie anvertrauen kann.

Ich möchte Sie wissen lassen, dass mein Plan völlig ohne Risiko ist,
falls Sie mir und meiner Familie helfen wollen. Alles worum ich Sie
bitte, ist eine Vereinbarung mit der holländischen Niederlassung der
Sicherheitsfirma zu treffen, das hinterlegte Wertgut auszuhändigen. Ich
meinerseits habe bereits Anweisung gegeben die Kassette von Südafrika
nach Holland zu senden. Vorher allerdings müssen noch einige wichtige
Formalitäten erledigt werden, wie die Änderung des Begünstigten an
diesem Wertgut. Weiterhin habe ich vor diese Geld nach Erhalt möglichst
gut und gewinnbringend zu investieren.

Ich möchte Ihnen zwei Vorschläge unterbreiten.Erstens biete ich Ihnen
einen Teil der Gesamtsumme an, wenn Sie bereit wären, Ihr eigenes Konto
für diese Transaktion zur Verfügung zu stellen.Oder aber Sie sind an
einer Partnerschaft mit mir interessiert um diese Summe profitabel in
Ihrem Land zu investieren.Egal welcher Vorschlag Ihnen mehr zusagt,
zögern Sie nicht mir Ihre Entscheidung mitzuteilen. Für alle
entstehenden Unkosten habe ich 5% des Gesamtbetrages ingeplant. Sollten
Sie nicht an einer Partnerschaft mit mir interessiert sein, biete ich
Ihnen  10% des Betrages an und werde die verbleibenden 85% für meine
Investitionen in Ihrem Land nutzen.Sie können mich jederzeit unter
dieser e-Mail Adresse erreichen: (simonmuzenda@hotmail.com) Ich bitte
Sie jedoch um Ihre absolute Verschwiegenheit in dieser Angelegenheit
Dritten gegenüber.

Gott schütze Sie


Ihr ergebener

Mr. Simon Muzenda.


From: "Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 6:52 PM
Subject: Urgent Assistance

Good Day,
You may be suprise to receive this email since you do not know me.
I am the son of the late president of Democratic Republic Of
Zaire,President Mobutu Sese Seko, ( now The Republic Of Congo, under
the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent Kabila ). I presume you are
aware there is a financial dispute between my family ( THE MOBUTU ) and the
present civilian Government. This is based on what they believe as bad
and corrupt governance on my late father's part. May his soul rest in
perfect peace.As you might have heard how a lot of my father's bank
account in Switzerland and North America have been frozen.
Following the above named reasons, I am soliciting for your humble and
confidential assistance to take custody of THIRTY Million United States
Dollars ( US$30,000,000.00 ), also to front for me in the areas of
business you desire profitable.
These funds have secretly been deposited into a confidential Security
Company, where it can easily be withdrawn or paid to a recommended
beneficiary. The funds will be released to you by the Security Company,
based on my recommendations, on that note, you will be presented as my
partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any subsequent
ventures. Myself and my mother have decided to give 20% to you if you
are able to help us claim this consignment.We have also decided to give you
any money spent on phone calls or travelling expenses in the course of this
Please, I need your entire support and co-operation for the success of
this transaction, your utmost confidentiality and secrecy is highly
required, due to my family's present predicament.
I sincerely will appreciate your willingness to assist us as soon as
I am presently in the refugee camp here in the Netherlands under the
united nations refugee camp in Netherlands and I can be reached on
phone number +31-645-238-205 or via email josephmobutu400@rediffmail.com
more information on how we can proceed in this transaction.
Please indicate your interest by sending your telephone and fax numbers
or call me up at anytime. I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgement
as soon as possible.
Warmest regards,
Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko


From: Simon Muzenda 
Reply-To: simonmuzenndda@email.com
Subject: Urgent Assistance
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 00:40:17 +0200

+31 630-359-505
                                           CONFIDENTIAL   BUSINESS PROPOSAL

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know
me personally.The purpose of my introduction is that I am Simon Muzenda
the  son of Paul Muzenda a farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in
the land dispute in my country.I got your contact through network online
hence decided to write you.Before the death of my father,he had taken me
to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US8.5 million (Eight million Five
Hundred thousand United States dollars),in one of the private security
company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this money was
deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from security
company.This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and
chemicals for the Farms and establishment of new farms in Swaziland.

This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe
introduced a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers
and some few black farmers,and this resulted to the killing and mob action
by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society.In fact a lot
of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father
was one of the victims. It is against this background that,I and my family
fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and are currently staying in the
Netherlands where we are seeking political asylum and moreso have decided
to transfer my father's money to a more reliable foreign account.since the
law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank
account or to be involved in any financial transaction throughout the
territorial zone of Netherlands. As the eldest son of my father,I am
saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where
this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who
are bent on taking everything we have got. The South African government
seems to be playing along with them.

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South
Africa for fear of going through the same experience in future,both
countries have similar political history.As a businessman,I am seeking for
a partner who I have to entrust my  future and that of my family in his
hands,I must let you know that this transaction is risk free.If you accept
to assist me and my family all I want you to do for me,is to make an
arrangements with the security company to clear the consignment(funds)
from their afiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have already given
directives for the consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from South
Africa.But before then all modalities will have to be put in place like
change of ownership to the consignment and more importantly this money I
intend to use for investment.

I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain
percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction.
Or you can go into partnership with me for the proper profitable
investment of the money in your country.Whichever the option you want,feel
free to notify me.I have also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of
expenses incurred in the process of this transaction.If you do not prefer
a partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the
remaining 85% will be for my investment in your country.Contact me with
the above e-mail address while I implore you to maintain the absolute
secrecy required in this transaction.


Yours Faithfully

Simon Muzenda


From:           	Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko  
Send reply to:  	josephmobutu12730@rediffmail.com
Subject:        	Urgent Assistance
Date sent:      	Wed, 12 Mar 2003 20:33:59 +0100

Good Day,
You may be suprise to receive this email since you do not know me.
I am the son of the late president of Democratic Republic Of
Zaire,President Mobutu Sese Seko, ( now The Republic Of Congo, under
the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent Kabila ). I presume you are
aware there is a financial dispute between my family ( THE MOBUTU ) and the
present civilian Government. This is based on what they believe as bad
and corrupt governance on my late father's part. May his soul rest in
perfect peace.As you might have heard how a lot of my father's bank
account in Switzerland and North America have been frozen.
Following the above named reasons, I am soliciting for your humble and
confidential assistance to take custody of THIRTY Million United States
Dollars ( US$30,000,000.00 ), also to front for me in the areas of
business you desire profitable.
These funds have secretly been deposited into a confidential Security
Company, where it can easily be withdrawn or paid to a recommended
beneficiary. The funds will be released to you by the Security Company,
based on my recommendations, on that note, you will be presented as my
partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any subsequent
ventures. Myself and my mother have decided to give 20% to you if you
are able to help us claim this consignment.We have also decided to give you
any money spent on phone calls or travelling expenses in the course of this
Please, I need your entire support and co-operation for the success of
this transaction, your utmost confidentiality and secrecy is highly
required, due to my family's present predicament.
I sincerely will appreciate your willingness to assist us as soon as
I am presently in the refugee camp here in the Netherlands under the
united nations refugee camp in Netherlands and I can be reached on
phone number +31-645.238.205 or via email josephmobutu12730@rediffmail.com
more information on how we can proceed in this transaction.
Please indicate your interest by sending your telephone and fax numbers
or call me up at anytime. I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgement
as soon as possible.
Warmest regards,
Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko


# Anmerkung: Die folgenden Beispiele sind nahezu identisch.

Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:23 PM
Subject: Urgent Assistance

I got your reliable contact from my father's diary and further explicit
investment information about your country from my attorney in New York who
has been of great assistance to my family since our departure from Brunei
due to the human right abuses in my country.
I am Prince Fayad W. Bolkiah, the eldest son of Prince Jefri Bolkiah,
former Finance Minister of Brunei, the tiny oil-rich sultanate on the Gulf
Island of Borneo. I will save your time by not amplifying my extended royal
family history, which has already been disseminated by the international
media during the controversial dispute that erupted between my father and
his stepbrother, the sultan of Brunei Sheik Muda Hassanal Bolkiah. As you
may know from the international media, the sultan had accused my father of
financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8 billion dollars. This was
as a result of the Asian financial crisis that made my father company Amedeo
Development Company and government owned Brunei Investment Company to be
declared bankrupt during his tenure in office. You can visit this web site
http://www.sultanofbrunei.com/jefri.htm to verify what I am saying.
However my father was kept under house arrest, his bank accounts and
private properties including a crude oil export refinery were later
confiscated by the sultanate. Furthermore during this unfortunate period, I
was advised to evacuate my immediate family outside the sultanate to avoid
further prosecution from the sultan and his security operatives, but before
I could do that I was placed under house arrest by the Sultan and not access
to a phone but I have a Palm V hand-held computer from which I am sending
you this mail. Some of the guard here are still loyal to me, so they would
be my contact with you if there is any document I need to send to you to
enable you collect the boxes of money on my behalf.
Before my In-castration, I went ahead to dispatch the sum of Five Hundred
Million United States Dollars (US$500,000,000.00) in cash under special
arrangement into the custody of different private security and trust
company's for safe keeping abroad. The money where spited and kept in the
following countries in this proportion: US$ 50 Million is in Switzerland,
US$100 Million is in Spain, US$100 Million is in Holland, US$80 Million is
in South Africa and the balance US$US170 Million is in Canada.
Hence I seek your good assistance to invest these funds into profitable
investment in your country to facilitate future survival for my family
abroad. After due deliberation with my aids we have decided to offer 20% of
these funds to you as compensation for your strong cooperation while 5% have
been mapped out for both local and international expenses that may be
incurred during this dispensation.
Please I count on your absolute confidentiality, transparency and trust
while looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift conclusion of
this business transaction.
Many Thanks & May Allah's blessing remain with you.
I remain yours sincerely.
Prince F.W. Bolkiah


Betreff: Urgent Assistance
Datum:   Wed, 11 Jul 2001 22:00:00
Von:     quam4@onebox.com

I got your reliable contact from my father's diary and further explicit
investment information about your country from my attorney in New York
who has been of great assistance to my family since our departure from
Brunei due to the human right abuses in my country. I am Prince Fayad W.
Bolkiah, the eldest son of Prince Jefri Bolkiah, former Finance Minister
of Brunei, the tiny oil-rich sultanate on the Gulf Island of Borneo. I
will save your time by not amplifying my extended royal family history,
which has already been disseminated by the international media during
the controversial dispute that erupted between my father and his
stepbrother, the sultan of Brunei Sheik Muda Hassanal Bolkiah. As you
may know from the international media, the sultan had accused my father
of financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8 billion dollars.
This was as a result of the Asian financial crisis that made my father
company Amedeo Development Company and government owned Brunei
Investment Company to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in office.
You can visit this web site http://www.sultanofbrunei.com/jefri.htm to
verify what I am saying. However my father was kept under house arrest,
his bank accounts and private properties including a crude oil export
refinery were later confiscated by the sultanate. Furthermore during
this unfortunate period, I was advised to evacuate my immediate family
outside the sultanate to avoid further prosecution from the sultan and
his security operatives, but before I could do that I was placed under
house arrest by the Sultan and not access to a phone but I have a Palm V
hand-held computer from which I am sending you this mail. Some of the
guard here are still loyal to me, so they would be my contact with you
if there is any document I need to send to you to enable you collect the
boxes of money on my behalf. Before my In-castration, I went ahead to
dispatch the sum of Five Hundred Million United States Dollars
(US$500,000,000.00) in cash under special arrangement into the custody
of different private security and trust company's for safe keeping
abroad. The money where spited and kept in the following countries in
this proportion: US$ 50 Million is in Switzerland, US$100 Million is in
Spain, US$100 Million is in Holland, US$80 Million is in South Africa
and the balance US$US170 Million is in Canada. Hence I seek your good
assistance to invest these funds into profitable investment in your
country to facilitate future survival for my family abroad. After due
deliberation with my aids we have decided to offer 20% of these funds to
you as compensation for your strong cooperation while 5% have been
mapped out for both local and international expenses that may be
incurred during this dispensation. Please I count on your absolute
confidentiality, transparency and trust while looking forward to your
prompt reply towards a swift conclusion of this business transaction.
Many Thanks & May Allah's blessing remain with you. I remain yours
Prince F.W. Bolkiah


Von: fayad@onebox.com [mailto:fayad@onebox.com]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2001 19:43
Betreff: Urgent Assistance

I got your reliable contact from my father's diary and further
explicit investment information about your country from my
attorney in New York who has been of great assistance to my
family since our departure from Brunei due to the human right
abuses in my country.
I am Prince Fayad W. Bolkiah, the eldest son of Prince Jefri
Bolkiah, former Finance Minister of Brunei, the tiny oil-rich
sultanate on the Gulf Island of Borneo. I will save your time by
not amplifying my extended royal family history, which has
already been disseminated by the international media during the
controversial dispute that erupted between my father and his
stepbrother, the sultan of Brunei Sheik Muda Hassanal Bolkiah. As
you may know from the international media, the sultan had accused
my father of financial mismanagement and impropriety of US$14.8
billion dollars. This was as a result of the Asian financial
crisis that made my father company Amedeo Development Company and
government owned Brunei Investment Company to be declared
bankrupt during his tenure in office. You can visit this web site
http://www.sultanofbrunei.com/jefri.htm to verify what I am saying.
However my father was kept under house arrest, his bank accounts
and private properties including a crude oil export refinery were
later confiscated by the sultanate. Furthermore during this
unfortunate period, I was advised to evacuate my immediate family
outside the sultanate to avoid further prosecution from the
sultan and his security operatives, but before I could do that I
was placed under house arrest by the Sultan and not access to a
phone but I have a  computer from which I am sending you this
mail. Some of the guard here are still loyal to me, so they would
be my contact with you if there is any document I need to send to
you to enable you collect the boxes of money on my behalf.
Before my In-castration, I went ahead to dispatch the sum of Five
Hundred Million United States Dollars (US$500,000,000.00) in cash
under special arrangement into the custody of different private
security and trust company's for safe keeping abroad. The money
where spited and kept in the following countries in this
proportion: US$ 50 Million is in Switzerland, US$100 Million is
in Spain, US$100 Million is in Holland, US$80 Million is in South
Africa and the balance US$US170 Million is in Canada.
Hence I seek your good assistance to invest these funds into
profitable investment in your country to facilitate future
survival for my family abroad. After due deliberation with my
aids we have decided to offer 20% of these funds to you as
compensation for your strong cooperation while 5% have been
mapped out for both local and international expenses that may be
incurred during this dispensation.
Please I count on your absolute confidentiality, transparency and
trust while looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift
conclusion of this business transaction.
Many Thanks & May Allah's blessing remain with you.
I remain yours sincerely.
Prince F.W. Bolkiah